Satire Unit

Overall Objective:
Throughout the unit, students will learn what satire is, what techniques are used to create satire, and why authors choose to use satire. For the final performance, students will use the things we have learned about satire, write a short story, essay, political cartoon, news report, etc that satirizes issues seen in the news today. The four techniques of satire must be used. Project can be done individually or as a group.**Unit goals based on standards for Colorado sophomores. 

Week 1:
  • Monday: Use The Simpsons opener and Dr. Seuss to introduce satire
  • Tuesday: Watch clip of Shrek to talk about and practice the four techniques of satire. 
  • Wednesday/Thursday: Use music, “A Modest Proposal,” and “Harrison Bergeron” to discuss verbal irony with satire. 
  • Friday: Watch modern satire on SNL and Colbert Report. Discuss issues being satirized.
Week 2:
  • Monday: Discuss the background to The Importance of Being Earnest and Oscar Wilde. Assign the roles to students and read aloud.
  • Tuesday: Re-assign the roles and finish reading The Importance of Being Earnest.
  • Wednesday/Thursday: Discuss themes and satire in The Importance of Being Earnest. Discuss parody- another aspect of the definition of satire. 
  • Friday: Creativity day- students share their satirical work with the class.